DMCA - Tubidy

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), TUBIDY respects the intellectual property rights of all content creators, whether or not their work is affiliated with our site. If you have reason to suspect that your intellectual property rights have been infringed in any way that you connect to our site, we strongly recommend that you contact our copyright agent with a complaint as soon as possible. We take all violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 extremely seriously.

  1. We do not host any of the music files displayed on this site.
  2. We index these files which are located on remote servers that neither we nor our affiliates have any connection/control of/association with.
  3. Download mp3 files from another hosting service. (not from our server)
  4. All activated music is presented for listening data only.
  5. You must delete a song from your computer after listening to it.
  6. If you do not remove files from your computer, you will be violating copyright protection laws.
  7. All rights to the songs are the property of their respective owners.
  8. We are a music search engine, so we do not store or host any mp3 files and other copyrighted material on our server, but we do respect copyright laws. So if you have found a search result on an illegal mp3 file, please use the form below.

As a general matter, we respect the rights of artists and creators, and we hope you will work with us to keep our community a legal and positive creative experience for everyone, including artists and creators. Please note that under Section 512(f), any person who knowingly misrepresents material or activity is violating the law and may be subject to liability for damages. Don't make false claims! Please also note that the information provided in this legal notice may be sent to the person who provided the allegedly infringing content.


How to submit a removal request:


To ensure that your claim remains legitimate under the DCMA, please make sure your copyright claim contains all of the following information: a signature, electronic or physical, of a person who has been authorized to represent you, the copyright owner From author; Clear identification of the copyrighted items in question, as well as identification of works that infringe the intellectual property rights of copyright holders; Contact information for you, the copyright owner, that TUBIDY may use to contact you, including your full name, telephone number, physical address, and email address; A written letter stating that you, the copyright owner, you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; A written letter stating that all of the information provided in the above statement is fully accurate and reaffirming that the author of such letter has been legally authorized, under penalty of perjury, to represent you, the copyright owner. The statement of complaint you provide to us, containing all of the above information, should be sent to our Designated Copyright Agent by mail, fax or email to one of the respective contact addresses below: A written letter stating that all of the information provided in the above statement is fully accurate and reaffirming that the author of such letter has been legally authorized, under penalty of perjury, to represent you, the copyright owner. The statement of complaint you provide to us, containing all of the above information, should be sent to our Designated Copyright Agent by mail, fax or email to one of the respective contact addresses below: A written letter stating that all of the information provided in the above statement is fully accurate and reaffirming that the author of such letter has been legally authorized, under penalty of perjury, to represent you, the copyright owner. The statement of complaint you provide to us, containing all of the above information, should be sent to our Designated Copyright Agent by mail, fax or email to one of the respective contact addresses below:

[email protected]

Put each link on a separate line on the Complaint Form. Do not send us more than 20 links in a day so that we can examine and block them properly. Once again please note that we are just a music search engine so we do not store or host any mp3 files and other copyrighted material on our server.

Please allow 6-7 business days for an email response. Please note that emailing your claim to other parties, such as our internet service provider, will not expedite your claim and may result in a delayed response due to the claim not being properly submitted.



Please remember that if you choose to misrepresent any of the details related to copyright infringement, you will be subject to civil criminal penalties under federal law, including any monetary damages, court costs and rights of right, user copies and user copies. Licensee holders who are injured in any capacity that follows our reliance on the accuracy of their representation. You could also be criminally charged for acts of perjury. Do not take anything described in this document as formal legal advice. For more information on the details required to file a formal DMCA notice, see 17 USC 512(c)(3).